The mission of Keiller Leadership Academy is to create student
leaders who value quality education and embrace their role
as contributing members of our diverse community.
leaders who value quality education and embrace their role
as contributing members of our diverse community.
Self-directed, critical thinkers who identify, conceptualize, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate using available resources and information.
Leaders who model Respect, Enthusiasm, Achievement, Citizenship, and Hardwork.
Respectful leaders listen, are flexible, consider opinions of others, and create a positive environment that enables people to move forward.
- Interacts positively with all students and adults reflecting KLA’s mission & core beliefs
- Honors cultural and individual diversity
- Demonstrates responsibility in the learning community by adhering to KLA’s schoolwide rules
Enthusiastic leaders are excited about learning and are actively involved.
- Participates in a variety of leadership opportunities
- Demonstrates with confidence that college is part of their future
- Discovers an area of interest beyond the core academic classes
Achieving leaders value education by setting and completing goals.
- Meets or exceeds California State Standards in English and Math
- Reads and writes effectively in each subject area
- Communicates effectively in academic language to express thoughts and ideas
- Uses technology as a tool for learning
Leaders show Citizenship by fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of a productive community member.
- Demonstrates character education through the use of “Character Counts” and “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens”
- Recognizes the impact personal behavior and character has on our local and global diverse community
- Completes expected community service hours
Hardworking leaders demonstrate perseverance in their pursuit of goals
- Develops and implements individual goals and action plans for academic and citizenship achievement
- Participates in additional academic supports, if needed
- Demonstrates study skills and organizational strategies that lead to academic success