Gratitude Rocks! Activity

There are many ways to practice gratitude with your students. “Gratitude rocks” provide a creative activity to introduce a gratitude lesson in and out of your classroom. 

What Is Gratitude?
Get started by talking with students about the idea of being grateful and thankful. What do these things mean, and how does it make you feel? To go further in depth of the practice of gratitude, refer to this lesson: "Nourished by Gratitude"

Reminders – In Rock Form
To provide a reminder of what they are grateful for and the positive, happy way it makes them feel, have your students personalize their own “gratitude” rocks. Use the rocks that have been provided. 1) They can either write/design one word that expresses their gratitude or 2) Write one statement that expresses their gratitude.  

On the backside of the rock, have each student write their name and the date.  Some students may chose to paint them. Some may chose to keep them in their natural state.

We will be donating our gratitude rocks to the KLA rock garden on MONDAY December 4th as part of our morning circle's mindful minute.  Collect your students' rocks on Friday afternoon and then on Monday morning, have your REACH students line up with you to retrieve their rock from you. 

On a weekly basis, or periodically, we all can point to our rock garden, or ask students to recall where their individual gratitude rocks are, to be reminded of the gratitude, share gratitude, or use as a focal point for their practice of mindfulness.