9/4 How do KLA leaders explain what the KLA mission statement means?

Quick Questions:

1) What are the different ways you could use your student agenda?

2) What do you know about the KLA mission statement?


Warm Up:

Walk through the KLA Student Handbook (pages 1-15 of the student agenda)


Leadership Studies:


1) Chart shared responses - What type of text is this?

2) What can you expect from this type of text?

3) How can you set yourself up to read this? (note the structure/parts of text)

4) Read mission statement on page of student agenda


Working in pairs, refer to page 1 of student agenda. Chunk the mission statement into three parts:

1) create student leaders

2) value education

3) embrace their role

Have students chart what each chunk looks and sounds like

Pairs practice reciting the mission statement.



Read the student handbook in your agenda with your parents. Sign both the agreement in your agenda and the handout version .

Turn in your signed handout version of the Student Agenda agreement.