9/17 How do KLA leaders monitor their own progress?

Quick Questions:

1)  How do you think you are doing academically this year?

2)  How do you calculate your GPA and CPA?



**Check Student Agendas

Organizing student agendas

-hand out student agenda rubric

-go over student agenda rubric with students

- give students time to self assess their student agendas according to the rubric


Warm Up:

Review with students what a GPA and CPA mean and how to calculate them


Leadership Studies:

1)  Hand out "Student Active Directory Password Handout"

2)  As a class, go over the guidelines

3)  Have students log on to computers; go to mykla.org; click on "Powerschool" link to access Portal

4) Have students enter their User ID and Password to access their Powerschool Portal

5) Have students navigate freely throughout their portal while jotting down things they have questions about and information they now know how to access.