REACH lessons week of 9/25-29

Lesson #1: How do KLA leaders set themselves up for a successful week?


**Check Student Agendas

Organizing student agendas

-hand out student agenda rubric

-go over student agenda rubric with students

-give students time to self assess their student agendas according to the rubric


Leadership Studies:

Read and discuss all parts of the Weekly Bulletin


Lesson #2: How do KLA leaders demonstrate what they know about the KLA Way?


**Check Backpacks


Leadership Studies:


1) Chart shared responses - What is the purpose of a mission statement?

2) What do we already know about the KLA mission statement?

3) Read mission statement 


Working in pairs,chunk the mission statement into three parts:

1) create student leaders

2) value education

3) embrace their role

Have students chart what each chunk looks and sounds like

Pairs practice reciting the mission statement.



  • Recite the KLA mission statement
  • Name each REACH value
  • Give examples in your own words from your own thinking of what each REACH value looks and sounds like

Lesson #3: How do KLA leaders monitor their own progress?


**Check Student Binders


Warm Up:

Review steps to log on to Illuminate

Leadership Studies:

Monitoring Academic and Citizenship Progress

1) Hand out to students  "Action Plan" 

2) Have students log onto their Illuminate Student Connect

3) Have students independently work on the action plans using what they learned from their Student Connect. **model calculation of GPA/CPA


Lesson #4: Assessing Brainology Intro Unit

Assessments will be distributed to REACH teachers on Friday morning