Educational Support / Commitees » Educational Support Staff » Attendance




KLA EVERYDAY!!! Everyday counts. School success is directly related to attendance. Good attendance benefits your child’s education, raises your child’s chance to score well on tests, and your child learns more about responsibility each day that he/she attends school. Daily, on-time attendance in school is critical to your child’s success in school and in life. Below are action steps that you can take to help your child develop good attendance habits and overall have a rewarding school experience.



Make getting to school on time every day a high priority in your family.

  • Talk with your child about the importance of school attendance from an early age and the negative effects of too many absences.
  • Have a backup plan for getting your child to school when there are difficulties with transportation, family illness, or other challenges.
  • Schedule family events and appointments during non-school hours.
  • Monitor your child’s attendance; request school attendance records.
  • Independent study contracts are offered for students who will be out on medical, family emergency, etc. Please review our independent study policy/procedures on our link.



  • Notify the attendance office to report a student's absence. By phone at 619-263-9266 (Dial 2), Absence Form, or Email ([email protected]).
  • Allow your child to stay home only when he/she has a contagious illness, fever, vomiting, or pink eye.
  • A medical excuse/note is required upon three days that a student is absent.
  • When your child has a doctor/dental appointment in the middle of the school day, bring them to school before and after the appointment if possible.
  • Absences not cleared after five days will be considered, "Unexcused". 
*Students will be released from school only to persons with a valid ID and who are authorized to do so as indicated on their enrollment card
Everyday Counts