Policies and Procedures
EDP is funded by a California Department of Education After School Education and Safety (ASES) grant, which provides specific guidelines that KLA needs to follow if we want to keep our funding and expand the size of our program for next year. One of the main guidelines of the ASES grant has to do with the length of time students participate in ASES programs. Research in the field of education has shown that students who participate in after-school programs like EDP show improved academic performance, greater positive feelings and engagement toward their school, as well as social and emotional benefits that come from spending time with supportive, caring adult mentors. However, studies have also shown that the length of time a student participates is crucial in determining how beneficial these experiences are.
Our program is designed to allow students to thrive for the full duration of the Extended Day time, from last bell until 6:00pm. Students are engaged in structured academic and enrichment-based activities until 5:30pm, at which point they begin a “cool down” period of rest and reflection. This period of time (5:30-6:00pm) provides the best window for students to be checked out of our program; if students are checked out earlier it may be disruptive to both their own learning, as well as the learning experiences of other members of their group.
At KLA we certainly understand that there are some circumstances in which children need to be checked out earlier than 5:30pm. However, if students are checked out before 4:30pm, KLA receives no funding for that particular student on that day. To be as accommodative as possible, we have early release forms available to parents who need to check their students out before 5:30pm. We ask that parents check out their student(s) before 4:30pm no more than once per week, and only if that student is involved in a parallel program (sports, dance classes, etc.). We hope that this policy allows some flexibility for parents and families, while still allowing us to follow the rules of our grant funding. Students are also allowed up to three days per semester of unscheduled early release for doctors’ appointments, family obligations, etc.
EDP Students and Staff are expected to follow the same school rules as are in place during the regular school day. EDP participants are held to the same high expectations that we expect of your student during the school day, and you can hold us to the same high expectations as you would any teacher or staff member. The same Behavior Intervention Plans and Agreements that students are expected to follow during the regular day will be implemented during EDP hours. We will utilize verbal warnings, “think sheets,” and phone calls home as necessary.
We thank you very much for your involvement in our school and our Extended Day. We hope that you feel free to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding these policies with Elvina Adams-Flores, Extended Day Program Coordinator, at 619-263-9356 or through email at [email protected]
Our program is designed to allow students to thrive for the full duration of the Extended Day time, from last bell until 6:00pm. Students are engaged in structured academic and enrichment-based activities until 5:30pm, at which point they begin a “cool down” period of rest and reflection. This period of time (5:30-6:00pm) provides the best window for students to be checked out of our program; if students are checked out earlier it may be disruptive to both their own learning, as well as the learning experiences of other members of their group.
At KLA we certainly understand that there are some circumstances in which children need to be checked out earlier than 5:30pm. However, if students are checked out before 4:30pm, KLA receives no funding for that particular student on that day. To be as accommodative as possible, we have early release forms available to parents who need to check their students out before 5:30pm. We ask that parents check out their student(s) before 4:30pm no more than once per week, and only if that student is involved in a parallel program (sports, dance classes, etc.). We hope that this policy allows some flexibility for parents and families, while still allowing us to follow the rules of our grant funding. Students are also allowed up to three days per semester of unscheduled early release for doctors’ appointments, family obligations, etc.
EDP Students and Staff are expected to follow the same school rules as are in place during the regular school day. EDP participants are held to the same high expectations that we expect of your student during the school day, and you can hold us to the same high expectations as you would any teacher or staff member. The same Behavior Intervention Plans and Agreements that students are expected to follow during the regular day will be implemented during EDP hours. We will utilize verbal warnings, “think sheets,” and phone calls home as necessary.
We thank you very much for your involvement in our school and our Extended Day. We hope that you feel free to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding these policies with Elvina Adams-Flores, Extended Day Program Coordinator, at 619-263-9356 or through email at [email protected]